Video Production Workshops

Let’s make a movie!

Whether you’re explaining what you do and why it matters, creating onboarding videos, sending your customers a news update… Scripting and shooting a video with the team is a great way to band together and strengthen your brand together.

Stepping in front of a camera sits outside the comfort zone for many people. These workshops are all about building media confidence in a safe, positive team-building environment. 

Learn copywriting secrets for crafting a killer script.

Explore the roles both in front and behind the camera.

And most importantly… have a ton of fun making your movie. 

And then, at the end of the experience, you have a piece of collateral ready for your social feed, your website, to send out with your next customer EDM.

Get in touch, discuss the many video options available, build confidence, and then band together to make a great brand together. 

Let’s book a date!